Find the products that align with your clinical needs in a fraction of the time.
Stop struggling to find the most recent relevant information. Use Medreddie to highlight the latest medical solutions in seconds. If you’re looking for consumables or capital equipment, our Artificial Intelligence (AI) model prepare due dilligence questions in seconds to ensure you achieve the best patient outcomes.
Save Time
Optimize your research and market sounding time by over 30% by rapidly identify all available solutions on the market. Compare solutions, and automate the development of evaluation criteria and RFx questions in minutes, not months.

Save Money
Empower your medical technology journey and accelerate business case development with our artificial intelligence platform. Ensure your buying the right solution for your clinical needs and build alignment in your organization in a fraction of the time. MedReddie customers see 36% cost savings in the first few weeks of depoyment!
Value Based Approach
Our AI platform prioritizes health system outcomes and quality care delivery within the RFx process. Leverage our integrated value-based procurement principles to ensure you’re sourcing the best solutions for your patients and institution.

Yes, We would be happy to send an NDA or are willing to sign most corporate NDAs if that’s easier for you.
We’re constantly searching and adding new medical solutions. Chances are we have you covered, but book a call with our team and we can give you the specifics!
Our platfrom can pull up the brands and solutions you’re looking for in seconds based on the certifications and outcomes you need. Browse the products to ensure they’re a good fit, and get all of the specific due diligence questions you need to ensure the solution, and company, can support your team.